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June 23, 2004

Free Web standards business and management briefing

Free Web standards business and management briefing

Usually when talking about web standards I focus on technical issues. However probably more important than these are the business and management issues associated with using standards.
Next week, on July 1 Web Essentials will be presenting a free briefing focussing on the issues that affect executives, managers and other web "decision makers" and how web standards impact on them.

Issues like

  1. How upgradable is your site? Will it allow you to quickly adapt to changing needs?
  2. How much bandwidth is your site wasting?
  3. Does your website expose you to the risk of legal action?
  4. How visible is your site to Search Engines such as Google?
  5. Who are you excluding from your site and how?

I'll be speaking, along with Roger Hudson, accessibility expert, and these two short but informative presentations will be followed by a panel discussion with Russ Weakley, of ListTutorial fame, as well as Peter Ottery and Brett Jackson from SMH Online, who have recently redesigned this leading Australian media site using xhtml and css.

We're throwing in some drinks and the odd bite to eat to make the evening even more enticing, and if that is not enough encouragement, we'll even have some door prizes, including a ticket to Web Essentials, valued at $750, three copies of Style Master, and 20 of our "web standards starter kit" CDs, with all kinds of software and information to get you started.

If you are a developer, bring your boss, or your clients and let us make them think going with web standards was their idea :-)
If you are responsible for a web presence come and get some great real world advice and have your accessibility and web standards questions answered.

For more info, or to RSVP (please do, so we can cater for everyone who turns up), got to http://we04.com/briefing.cfm

Big thanks to Red Square for the venue.

See you there,


June 23, 2004 | Permalink


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Thanks for setting up a "free" web essential briefing with some incentives. Great move! It's really a good idea updating people what they had been missing for years. Next time, please cater for us who can't join in person, but over the web!


Congo (DRC)

Posted by: Raqueeb Hassan | Jun 27, 2004 5:52:49 PM

i wants web designing standards manual

Posted by: dhanapal | Apr 19, 2005 4:47:30 PM