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May 31, 2005
Style Master 4.02 for Mac OS X released
Mac OS X 10.4 (aka Tiger), while introducing many exciting new features for Mac users, also introduced a few challenges for many developers of Mac apps. Those of you who upgraded to Mac OS X 10.3.9 or 10.4 will probably have experienced a few problems with Style Master 4. Since the release of Style Master 4, we've been working to eliminate these problems, and to address some other minor issues that have arisen.
Now we are happy to announce that Style Master 4.02 for Mac OS X has now been released.
If you purchased or paid for an upgrade to Style Master 3.5 or 4 then you'll shortly be receiving an email with download details. If you'd like to demo the application, then an unrestricted 30 day demo is available (you'll get 30 days even if you have demo'd Style Master 4)
Style Master 4 includes the following improvements and fixes.
- The Statements drawer is now part of the style sheet window. This has been requested quite often, and we feel this makes for a more usable application. It is likely that the editors drawers will be similarly incorporated in the main style sheet window in an upcoming release. You can resize the statements list much like resizing the mailbox panel in Mail.app in Tiger.
- The Statements List now has its own contextual menu.
- As often requested, the style sheet window now supports common command and control arrow keys (including shift keys for selecting) including
- command left arrow - go to the start of a line
- command right arrow - go to the end of a line
- control up arrow - go to the start of the current statement (or to the previous statement if at the start of this one)
- control down arrow - go to the start of the next statement
- command up arrow - go to the top of the style sheet
- command down arrow - go to the end of the style sheet
- Numerous redrawing problems for the design pane in Tiger have been fixed
- X-Ray is now working properly in Mac OS 10.3.9 and 10.4
- A number of features, including previewing, and the info windows had problems when working on documents saved on a different volume as the application Style Master was. This has now been addressed.
- A number of minor issues with syntax styling have been fixed.
- Performance when hand coding style sheets, particularly large ones has been significantly improved
- The design pane now resizes smoothly when the style sheet window is resized
- When opening a style sheet from an HTML document, or creating a new style sheet based on an HTML document, Style Master now makes the HTML document the preview file for that style sheet automatically
May 31, 2005 | Permalink
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