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July 11, 2005

Web Essentials CSS workshops looming

Web Essentials first series of CSS workshops, featuring Max Design's Russ Weakley (SelectTutorial, ListTutorial and more) and me is just around the corner. We kick off in Sydney next week for two days. We are in Brisbane that Thursday and Friday (21 and 22), then the following week in Canberra on monday and Tuesday (25 and 26) before wrapping up in Melbourne on Thursday 28 and Friday 29.

Day 1 covers the foundations, including getting your HTML/XHTML structural, semantic and valid, as well as the fundamentals (and more) of CSS.
Day 2 features a raft of up to the minute CSS techniques. All with a focus on best practices in accessibility, usability and Web Standards.

The workshops are interactive, hands on, intensive and fully catered.

You can take either or both days, as suits you needs.

So if you are keen to get your improve your web design and development skills, take a look at the details, and hope to see you in the next couple of weeks.

July 11, 2005 in Web Essentials | Permalink


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