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October 30, 2005

Australians at SxSW interactive 2006

Are you are Australian involved in the interactive industry? (look, I don't really know what that is either, but I guess computers and stuff :-)

But seriously - are you are web, game, DVD or similar designers developer, a UI expert, an accessibility specialist, or anything along these lines? Individual or company?

Have you heard about South by Southwest? It's an amazing week long conference held each year in March in Austin, Texas, where several thousand people just like you get together to meet, attend the odd panel or tutorial session (the speakers are literally a who's who of the web and interactive world), but above all to get to know others in our industry better. There are great free parties, some of the best indie musicians in the world are in town, and you get to go to parties where people like Malcolm Gladwell just turn up.

If so, and you are interested in going along this year, please get in touch. The Australian Music industry has great representation at the music festival, which follows the interactive conference, and I don't see any reason why our interactive industry can't similarly get its act together, and make a splash in 2006.

Last year, Maxine and I, as westciv, went, spoke, Style Master sponsored the web design awards, and frankly it's one of the best things I have ever done in a professional capacity.

It's not nearly as expensive as you might think, you'll have a fantastic time, meet new and interesting people, develop business and professional relationships, and come home motivated and enthused.
Depending on the level of interest there are a number of different options we could pursue, from a stand at the tradeshow, to a party for attendees, and a lot more besides.

So drop me a line if you are at all interested, and we'll take it from there.

Looking forward to hearing from you



October 30, 2005 | Permalink


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» South by South West 2006 from Karmakars.com
As some of you might already know John Allsopp is already organising this (Good on you John) to get together the best Aussie contingent for South by South West(SXSW) Interactive 2006. SXSW undoubtedly is one of the #1 interactive conference/get togeth... [Read More]

Tracked on Nov 10, 2005 9:44:01 AM


SXSW sounds like so much fun and would love to go (I am an Aussie), it's just a shame I couldn't possibly afford to go this time. Hopefully I will in 2007!

Posted by: Lachlan Hunt | Nov 26, 2005 4:06:36 PM

Save those pennies Lauchlan! you've got nearly 18 months


Posted by: John Allsopp | Nov 26, 2005 6:01:03 PM

Just saw this vintage post by John and thought I'd let you folk know that we are now planning for SxSW Interactive 2008. I'm the rep here in Sydney for the past five years and we have increased the attendance of the music side from 20 to 200 in that period and we would like to add weight to the IA side too.

Please let me know if we can answer any questions.
FAQs are at http://2008.sxsw.com/interactive/faq/
and you can download a brochure at http://sxsw.com/info/forms/aug07_iabroch.pdf


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