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October 26, 2005
WE05 Presentation available in article form
WE05 Presentation available in article form
When I present at a conference or to a group, I almost invariably write the whole presentation out in long hand. Well, actually, I type it out with two fingers on my computer, but you get the idea. This helps me to really work through all the ideas in the presentation, and to hopefully develop a good structure. It also makes it easier to later publish the presentation as an article.
For some strange reason, people often prefer to read a presentation, rather than listen to it. That way they don't have up put up with my Aussie accent, and can more easily skim the boring bits.
I've just published my WE05 presentation, The state of the Art in Australian web development .
Here's the abstract
How are major companies and government departments in Australia developing their sites today? Are they adhering to best practices in development and accessibility? This presentation looks at major Australian sites, to determine whether they are using best practices, and where they are falling down. We'll see what patterns emerge, where things are going well, or otherwise. And we'll conclude with some recommendations based on this cold hard evidence.
Read more (with graphs, tables of results and more)
By the way, this has drawn quite a response, with invitations to speak to a number of organizations and companies about the research I did. It's gratifying to see that people are starting to pay attention top this sort of thing.
October 26, 2005 in Web Essentials | Permalink
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