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January 25, 2006

four things

Eric ever so nicely "four thinged" me, and loving a meme as I do, I'll pay it forward.

Four jobs I’ve had

  1. Pizza Hut drone
  2. short order cook
  3. English Language Teacher
  4. Software Engineer

Four movies I can watch over and over

  1. Dead Man (not Dead Man walking)
  2. The cook the thief his wife and her lover
  3. The good the bad and the ugly
  4. The ghost and Mrs Muir (guaranteed to make you weep!)

Four places I’ve lived

  1. Sydney
  2. London
  3. Milan
  4. Sydney (well, I grw up here, moved overseas for some time, and came back)

Four TV shows I enjoy

  1. Bargain Hunt
  2. Iron Chef
  3. South Park
  4. Simpsons

Four places I’ve vacationed

  1. China
  2. Cook Islands
  3. New Zealand
  4. Siberia

Four of my favorite dishes

  1. Lobster Surprise (Sara and I invented this dish one night when the local pizza place had closed - the surpirse is it has no lobster)
  2. Sushi
  3. real italian pizza, like in italy
  4. just about anything Thai

Four sites I visit daily

  1. Slashdot
  2. Salon
  3. juancole.com
  4. ars technica

Four places I would rather be right now

  1. snowboarding in NZ (if there was snow this time of year)
  2. Trader Jacks in Rarotonga, Cook Islands, drinking a Cook's Lager - sweet
  3. Venice
  4. Byron Bay

Four bloggers I am tagging

  1. Cam Adams (paying him back)
  2. Amit Karmaka
  3. Zoe Kate Allsopp Lander :-)
  4. Eris Free

January 25, 2006 | Permalink


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Well thanks for tagging me you miserable bastard!

Posted by: Maxine | Jan 25, 2006 6:34:32 PM

Don't worry, I tagged her you miserable bastard:


Posted by: Cameron Adams | Jan 26, 2006 4:51:47 AM


all part of my ingenious plan.

Tag from John - worthless
Tag from Cam, priceless


Posted by: john Allsopp | Jan 26, 2006 5:06:49 AM

A very interesting site, I think. The Idea of Technometry was new for me but worth to be read and thought abot it (although I'm not a native english-speaker and have some difficulties whith this language)

Posted by: Onlineshop Optimierung | Oct 27, 2006 5:22:57 AM

Was that vacation in Siberia by choice? Or was it a "vacation"? ;)

Posted by: Frederick | Dec 9, 2006 5:19:21 AM