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October 04, 2006

Announcing the McFarlane Prize winners

Last Thursday, at the end of day one of the Web Directions South, we announced the winners of the inaugural McFarlane Prize for Excellence in Australian Web Design.

We were very honoured to have Nigel McFarlane's parents at the ceremony, and the Prize was awarded by Nigel's sister, Colleen.

Congratulations to the web development team from Museum Victoria, winners of the inaugural McFarlane Prize, for Caught and Coloured. It is a beautiful, well developed, usable and accessible site.

Congratulations too to Glass Onion, developers of the The Australian College of Physical Education site - highly commended by the Jury.

Thank you to all the nominees, and a particularly big thank you to Andy Coffey, for his painting "Page Impression" which was awarded to the winners of the prize, and to the Judges for their huge efforts and their expertise in deciding this year's winner.

We'll shortly be publishing some comments and thoughts from the Judges regarding the sites they saw - things developers are doing well, things that we could improve. So keep an eye here.

October 4, 2006 | Permalink


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