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August 20, 2007

Reminder: McFarlane Prize - nominations close August 31

A quick reminder that the McFarlane Prize nominations close at the end of the month.

The Prize is open to any Australian web design and development teams or individuals. The only other requirement is that the site must have been launched or sigificantly updated between August 1 2006 and July 31 2007.

There is no cost to enter, and no requirement to attend the Web Directions conference (short listed finalists will of course be invited to the award session and following reception).

You may nominate your own site or sites, or a site or sites that has impressed you. Simply fill in the nomination form at the site.

Please spread the word - nominations have been coming in at an excellent rate, but love to see as many possible entrants and demonstrate the quality of Australian Web Design.

August 20, 2007 | Permalink


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They may simply take it to the first place they can find and accept whatever.

Posted by: scottsdale az limo | Apr 30, 2011 1:23:25 AM