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May 29, 2008

Speaking dates in Japan in June

As mentioned a few weeks back, in a couple of weeks I'll be speaking in Tokyo at a number of events.

I'll be doing two microformats related presentations, as well as a CSS 3 and experimental CSS presentation.

First up, on June 13, I'll be speaking at this vent at Mitsue-Links. It's free, but places are limited, and it will be conducted in a combination of Japanese, and English (which will be translated into Japanese). It's to help celebrate the launch of my microformats book in Japanese!

Then, on June 14th, I'll be speaking at the Apple Store in Ginza, on the experimental CSS you can find in Opera, Mozilla, and of course Safari/Webkit, as well as some aspects of CSS3 which are starting to get more widespread adoption. I'll also be showing off an unreleased version of Style Master 5, which has support for a lot of these features of CSS. "CSS Reloaded" is from 6.30pm to 8.00pm, and free, though places are limited to get there a bit early. It will be in english, but very visual and code oriented, so hopefully very intelligible to those with CSS knowledge.

Finally, the big event is on Saturday June 16th, "SwapSkills for the Happy Web Weekend" (no, I'm not 100% sure what it means either but it is going to rock!)

It's a one day mini-conference, where I'll be speaking both on microformats, and on "the web beyond the desktop". Also on the bill is Michael Smith from the W3C in Japan, who has enourmous experience with mobile applications and the web on mobile platforms. This runs all day, and costs just ¥12,000.

I look forward to meeting up with any readers out there. Also, feel free to leave advice about the most important etiquette issues for me as a non Japanese person, and suggestions of the types of Japanese words and phrases that would be most helpful while there.

May 29, 2008 | Permalink


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wow john, congrats! =D

bowing etiquette w/video

general etiquette via youtube

"pronunciation" = translation / romanji

"ko-knee-chee-wah" = good afternoon / konnichiwa
"kohn-bahn-wah" = good evening /konban wa
"oh-high-yo go-zai-e-mass" = good morning / ohiyo gozaimasu
"dooh-moh" = thank you / doomo
"gai-jin" = foreigner i think / gaijin
"bah-kah" = dumb, hehehe / baka
"jah neigh" = see ya! / ja ne
"sai-yoh-nah-rah" = bye / sayonara
*"tah-bey-mass" = to eat / tabemasu
*"noh-me-mass" = to drink / nomimasu
"ick-key-mass" = let's go / ikkimasu

* add "kah" at the end to phrase as a question

[ganbatte!] "gan-baht-tey" = g'luck! ;]

Posted by: Elizabeth | May 30, 2008 4:34:23 AM

Thanks so much Elizabeth!


Posted by: john Allsopp | May 30, 2008 8:16:51 AM

That's great advice for dogs. I find that many people are completely oblivious to the needs of their dogs or how to teach a dog to behave. It essential that you do what is best for your animal.

Posted by: Layla | Sep 9, 2008 3:50:14 AM

great post, i`ll subscribe to your blog! i really like your writing style..

Posted by: antiblafband | Mar 12, 2009 8:09:31 AM

You made my day! Your writing is so amazing, I've just added you to my Google-dashboard.

Yours, Jana from Germany

Posted by: Jana | Mar 21, 2009 8:02:21 AM

It makes me laugh :) I showed it to my students to prevent such spelling mistakes ... :)

Posted by: matura | Apr 28, 2009 6:05:22 AM

I wish I was in Tokyo. I would love to make it to your Ginza speech. Not only is the topic interesting, but I love that store.

Posted by: japanese words | May 17, 2009 5:04:51 PM

After all this is a major change in your life.

Posted by: california retirement community | Apr 7, 2011 10:20:26 PM