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September 14, 2005




When are week 6 und 7 available? I am waiting for them.

Best regards, makcie


Hey guys,

I find your free weekly courses extremely helpful and am really looking forward to week 6. Any idea when these will become available.

Kindest Regards

john Allsopp

It's coming soon, we've been swamped with WebEssentials and the follow up.

Stay tuned, and sorry for the delay,

john and maxine


What about the 6 and 7 courses? I am waiting more than a month for it.

Best Regards.

Ashley Bowers

I am still waiting on the week 6 and 7 courses to!! Any help on finding these would be very appreciated!!


i've stared with westciv my web developer carrear. But it seems that now westciv doesn't want to continue its learning anymore.

Maxine Sherrin

To all those who have been waiting so patiently for the next week of the course:

Please accept my apologies. There is in fact considerable work involved in making the weekly installments available. Over the last few months we have had several large projects on the go. Each week, unfortunately, this one has slipped by the wayside. I do have a strategy for dealing with this, and ultimately making the process of having the courses available for free in this way much more efficient from my point of view. It's simply a matter of finding a day to implement it.

So, please accept my apologies. Westciv has built its repuation on making an enormous amount of high quality free content available for many many years. We hope that you are able to see past this temporary hiatus and consider on our efforts over a long period of time.


I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to say? My records show that you are in fact a customer, having bought our Platinum Bundle of courses. Is there any reason you are waiting on the free weekly installments?


no, i'm talking about the fact that it has been some time that you don't produce any new courses (php javascript ecc) or new versions of style master for linux for example....since linux now is used by everyone.


Hi Guys,

You are doing a fantastic job. Any idea when the next week installment of the free course will be released.

Kindest Regards


You a doing a very good job, thank You! But it is so uncomfortable for beginners! I see only 2 free available courses. I am sorry, i am a beginner and i don't quite understand this form course.

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