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January 25, 2006



hi. i am sorry, i am a total beginner and i don't quite understand this form course. moreover, i am from Romania so it might be my English. you say: "We will touch upon it briefly though, and even get a basic, email based system going." i went through this course 13 and i could not find an email based system. is it comming in the next course? in this page you have a "POST" button so i can send this form to you. but in the course form there is nothing to send it. how does it work?

you have a great site. almost everything i know i leant from your site.
i thank you for this

Maxine Sherrin

Carmen, I think you will find that this second part of the Forms section of the course, which I have just posted, clarifies the issues for you.


Len Steele

Somehow I missed WEEK 12 (I don't recall getting an e-mail reminder, but may have...) of the course, i.e. of

Is there any way to gain access to Week 12 so that I can go through that lesson?



Maxine Sherrin

Unfortunately, as we explain here,


it simply isn't possible for us to post previous weeks of the course for people who missed them. The free courses are a kind of shareware: if someone isn't able to work to the schedule we post them on, they are available for purchase.


Fabian De Rango

to carmen: if you dont want to pay why not look into w3 schools or macromedia live tutorials?

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